This "change for the sake of change" is totally not a good change, I am trying to discern the implications of this quote when applied to the general society or group in particular like what the government officials are quoted saying one thing now and then in a few hours "change" the statement again when questioned, the academic and government officials are the leaders - where are they leading us and how are we going to lead our kids?
I agree with you in the "change of ideas" but if everybody has a "license to say and do wrong" what happens to the society in general - where is the "standard" and where would our social and cultural values will be when the next generation (our kids) are managing the religious, political, economic, financial and other institutions - everybody will be on their own "say" and "interpretation". Where is the rule and order of the day.
I agree in with what you said - but those are the questions and doubts that in my mind.
Thank you for your comments.