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The Chip Board Archive 19

NCR, Lumberton is now RACIST? update

As an update on my earlier post on racism here in Lumberton…

[a black man was tasered to subdue him after police found his car in a ditch at 3 am and appeared to police as drunk and resisted being placed in custody. The mother accused the Lumberton Police of beating him to death and called in the FBI, and a radical racial group]

The New Black Panthers arrived in Lumberton and demonstrated on the parking lot of the Lumberton Police Department. About 200 people showed up and there were 20 blacks. There was overwhelming support of the LPD and the supporters of the black group were welcomed.

Normally such a demonstration or a march requires permits from the city because of other issues such as safety and access for emergency vehicles as well as not blocking main streets or highways. The New Black Panthers made no request to the city but announced it via the media. The city allowed them to assemble anyway as not to cause friction and even provided platforms, shade canopies, and free water to the group. Other than a small group of 3~4 young black women (18~25 Yr olds) who taunted whites and tried to provoke a fight were escorted away. When Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panthers arrived it started calm and he began with a prayer, next he began firing up the followers he went on accused the police of beating the man to death and vowed to 'tear this town apart' if one more death occurs. To support his beating death theory the mother of the victim held up poster sized pictures of the man's postmortem face showing a bloody scrape above his right eye. [There was not enough blood to run- it appeared to be what kids call "Raspberries" also on the news several medical people interviewed stated it was an unlikely cause of death] She also stated he was swollen from the beating. The mother's demeanor was odd to me, she never showed and sadness or tears but only screams of "We ain't finished with this," in a threatening way. Her emotions were understandable except the lack of grief. He concluded with chants and questions from the media.

Quanell X has now stated there are a 'handful' of blacks whom have been mistreated by the LPD in past years and wants any blacks who believe they too have been mistreated by the LPD to come to a rally scheduled on Thursday.

About Quanell X…
Quanell X:
Also a criminal, with charges for possession and distribution of crack cocaine (check Google) Joined and expelled from the Nation of Islam for spewing hatred against whites and Jews, advocated mugging 'the good white people in River Oaks' (Houston). Used the name of the Black Panthers to start his own group the "New" Black Panthers which the Black Panthers renounce.
(Note) some of the New Black Panthers who marched with him in Pasadena (Joe Horn incident) have now turned their backs on him. Also, one of his body guards was affiliated with the Oregon Seven, a part of the Afghanistan Taliban (see Google). What does he have to gain… notoriety for his cause and credence for his renegade racial group?

I believe the New Black Panthers does as much for black people as the K-K-K does for white people. Both are a total disgrace, and only promote hatred.

The preliminary autopsy has been concluded and was ruled inconclusive. A second has been ordered along with toxicology reports.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg