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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Mike, Stu, Butch, Jay & Ma

Stu wrote.......

"And what happened to the Yankees last year?"

The same thing that is going to happen to them this year. They will not make the playoffs. rofl Then next year they can spend another billion dollars trying to buy a championship!

Andy - Las Vegas


Messages In This Thread

Hey Kerry, Michael, Mike, Stu, Butch, Jay & Marc!
Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Mike, Stu, Butch, Jay & Ma
And It Does Not Hurt To Have Manny!
Re: And It Does Not Hurt To Have Manny!
Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Mike, Stu, Butch, Jay & Ma
True and true!
Re: Hey Andy, you called it right! grin

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