If the printing is too small, Doug is looking for:
1. Any roulette from the New Frontier that the inlay depicts a scene of the building. Options include TCR #'s: N6533, N6534, et.c
2. Any 1st issue Flamingo $5, $25 or $100 (TCR #'s: N1611, N6151, N6153, N6968, N6974 or N1586)
3. Resorts International, Atlantic City, $0.50
4. Either Monte Carlo, Laughlin, NV, $0.50 dove-tail (TCR #'s: N3080 or N3041)
5. Fremont, Las Vegas, NV, $25 arrowdie (TCR #: N7583)
6. Any Pioneer Club, Las Vegas, NV 1st issue roulette w/circles mold
Thank you!