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The Chip Board Archive 19

NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)

Racial topics have been brought up here before and the minorities are normally defended, but the minorities, or special interest groups sometime are at FAULT in my opinion. Read on….

On Thursday morning (3 A.M.) a car was reported in the ditch off a main road here in Lumberton. The police went to check it out and found a man walking about a block away, they went to talk to him and found it was indeed his car in the ditch and that he appeared to the officers to be well under the influence. The officers tried to conduct a field sobriety test but the man ran and fought the officers. The man was 35 years old, 6'2" and 250 pounds, the officers used a taser to finally subdue him and cuff him (in front- as is more comfortable). Once cuffed the man passed out and EMS was called. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The police and the family admit the man had a history of drug charges, resisting arrest, and retaliation and obstruction charges, as it is all public record anyway. The man is black, so the FBI and the Texas Rangers have been called in to do an investigation and determination if any civil rights were violated, the police chief himself called the Texas Rangers (stating he wants transparency in the investigation).

Monday the Black Panthers will be marching to protest the beating death of a black man in our town. They have come to the conclusion that because he was black he was beaten to death by white officers. They (Black Panthers) are not waiting on any facts like a toxicology report, and autopsy, or the FBI & Texas Rangers findings.

When a white person does anything that can be twisted into something racial it is a cry heard far and wide, but before any facts come out the Black Panthers want to play the race card….. WHO ARE THE RACIST HERE?? I would not be surprised if the blueflies, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson don't show up here! (IF it presents a photo-opt and a few $$'s in their pocket for them).

I have no idea who is right or wrong here because I do not have the FACTS yet, but neither do the (racist) Black Panthers. I think they are doing great HARM to race relations.

OK... I feel better now.... finished venting. (at least until Monday when the Black Panthers come to distrupt the peace here)

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NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
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Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Re: NCR, Who's the RACIST Here?? (Venting)
Please do not let the facts get in the way of ans.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg