That is a fact, yes Obama won and is now the President.
That however is NOT what these tea party protests are about.
Aparently people are not getting the message about our current spending plans. Bill in the post above is under the misconception that the Iraq war spending is much more than the defecit we will be when Obamas new plans are enacted. He seems to ignore the numbers that are there for all Americans to see. These new spending plans will take decades to pay back.
Its very unfortunate that so many Americans just don't get it.
Its hard to continue to blame past administrations for the defecit when a new administration comes in and grows that number tenfold in just a matter of months.
We were told "NO NEW TAXES" for those making under $250,000. Guess what, Tobacco tax was raised.
We were told "NO MORE EARMARKS". Guess what, a bill with 9000+ earmarks was approved.
We Were told "TRANSPARANCY IN ALL BILLS" and they would be posted on the internet for all to see before they were enacted. Guess what NOT ONE of them has been so far. In fact the biddest spending bill in our countries history was passed without most of our own Congress reading it (Much less the rest of America).
We were told "HONESTY AND INTEGRITY" In our new government. How many appointed officials so far have turned out to have avoided paying correct taxes?
We were told "CHANGE OF ADMINISTRATION" AND "NOT THE SAME OLD POLITICS", Yet the majority of the administration appointed was exactly what he promised we would not get, the same old Washington insiders, mostly from the previous Clinton Administration.
Just a few of the things that were promised that have not been truthful. I am all for giving a new President a chance, but where does one draw the line and say enough is enough?
Just something to consider.