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The Chip Board Archive 19

Bill, you need to go back and ...

check your numbers. The current adminstrations proposal (excluding health care reform - God help us) creates more deficit spending that all previous presidents combined. We can all complain about the Iraqi war, but THAT is a drop in the bucket compared to the current proposals. There were a lot of young adults at the party quite worried about having to pay for this excessive spending. I will survive, no problem, but my children, grandchildren, and future great-grandchildren will be burdened from the cradle to the grave. The best thing the feds can do is reduce taxes and let the people decide how to best spend THEIR money. That is a proven solution, but we all know Congress knows best how to spend OUR money. Right now they are just stuffing money in the rabbit (sorry, wabbit) hole, with no bottom in sight. The old saying is true, when you're in a hole, quit digging.



Messages In This Thread

NCR TEA Party - Just wondering how many ...
Houston's doesn't start till AFTER work!
What all was served with the tea...?
rofl Very predictable John rofl
I was in front of the Nevada Capital today
Fantastic ... hanging H. Reid ...
Re: I was in front of the Nevada Capital today
No leo-different # which I could
Re: I was in front of the Nevada Capital today
That's exactly what the protest ...
Re: That's exactly what the protest ...
Bill, you need to go back and ...
Re: That's exactly what the protest ...
Bill and George
God help usPlease no National health care!
Bottom Line: 69-million votes vs. 62-million votes
John, No one is disputing that the man won the
My point: w/ the support he has now; 2012 is his.
I told you Obama would unite us!
rofl BINGO !!! rofl
oops I didn't see this until after I posted

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