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The Chip Board Archive 19

NCR-My Great Michigan Trip Story

I went up to Michigan for 5 days to visit friends and relatives and also a doctors appointment for my partner at the UOM. We went down to Detroit to Greektown and Motor City. Now I only play craps and all my friends play the slots. I won over $700 that day between the 2 casinos. 2 days later I went to a small trotters track Sportscreek that has simulcasting and proceeded to win $200 there. Now here is where it gets great. We leave Monday to head home and we stop at the Four Winds casino, in New Buffalo,Mi and again I only play craps.

I preceded over to the table to play and told myself I will only play $100, as I wanted to come home with some money. It was a $10 minimum table. The guy next to me was rolling and I wanted to be able to roll at least once. I did not know what type of table I was playing on until the guy rolled an 11 and he did not pay me. I was on a crap less crap table. All numbers are points, except for that lousy 7. By the time the dice got to me I had $32 left. I rolled an 8 and had 10 on the pass line and 10 behind the line and place a $12 bet on the 6. I made the number the hard way and had more money to spend. I proceeded to roll several more points and lots of numbers. The guy on the other end of the table was betting heavy. I could not tell what chips he had, but they were not colors I see often ($500 chips). He placed a $25 bet to roll an 11 for me and $5 for the crew and he had $500. I rolled it. I got paid $150. Now I really had more money. You do the figuring on what he made on that. Now the point is 11. I continue to roll numbers and finally made the 11.

Now to make a long enough story shorter. I threw the dice for one hour. Made a $1000 from my $32 I had left and he had a truck load of $500 chips in front of him. He walked over to me and gave me a $500 chip. he said that was the greatest roll on this type of table he had seen and I knew he made at least $30,000. What can I say. I never did anything like that before, nor did I see anyone bet that amount or win that much too. All the pit bosses were watching the table as the chips were almost gone in front of them.

It was a very lucky 5 days. The weather was nice too. All 5 days 50 and sunny. Thanks Michigan for being so nice to me.

Messages In This Thread

NCR-My Great Michigan Trip Story
Re: WAY TO GO! HI PAM! vbg
I love a good craps story, good 4 U!!
Nice!!! You deserve it. grin
Awesome story, Pam
Re: Awesome story, Pam
WOW Pam!!! That is awesome!
An hour roll! Sweeet. Way to go Pam!
Great story! Thanks for sharing.
WTG PAM!!!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg