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The Chip Board Archive 19

mad 10 yard penalty for "Piling On"!! rofl

With regards to the raffle tickets...I have them in my database as an EXCEL file, numbered & dated in order received. I will mail out copies of your tickets if you want, but was hoping to save that expense. When it nears the convention, I may just send out copies of the tickets purchased just so everyone knows that they're in the raffle.

Sound fair....based on Jim Steffner's growing list of donors, we may need several BIG shoeboxes. vbg

Thanks for your support, go write another really cool article or something. grin


Messages In This Thread

grin PayPal & the ccgtcc grin
That Is GREAT! Nice Work & Glad to hear it!
Re: grin Wonderful! Thank you to...
that is so cool Just in time!
grin Thanks, Dennis...please make sure that
$50 Paypal sent !
mad 10 yard penalty for "Piling On"!! rofl
Re: mad 10 yard penalty for "Piling On"!! rofl

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