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The Chip Board Archive 19

grin PayPal & the ccgtcc grin

Through the hard work & diligence of club member Sheldon Smith, the ccgtcc's esteemed Teasurer (Doug Smith) and members of the club's BoD and our legal counsel, the ccgtcc now has a PayPal account set-up to accept payment for items that you may want to purchase...items such as....hmmmmm...RAFFLE TICKETS!! vbg

This PayPal account will be used in conjunction with the club's eBay account that we hope to have up & running soon. The ccgtcc PayPal account name / e-mail address is . For membership renewals, pre-registration, convention activity purchases & such, it is necessary that you continue to use the current on-line system at the club's website. This current system is set-up to allow tracking payments & keeping costs it's a bit cheaper for the club than using PayPal. The club's BoD is working hard looking for ways to generate more revenue and this PayPal & future eBay account is just another great option.

Another request...if & when you do use the club's PayPal account for future purchases, donations, RAFFLE TICKETS vbg, we ask that you write a note in the "Message" box saying what this money / payment is for...that will really help out those involved with sorting the money and it will help insure that your money gets to the right place.

As a member, I'd like to thank Sheldon as well as all those involved in getting this account set-up -- I appreciate & applaud your efforts!! grin

Steve Bedo

Messages In This Thread

grin PayPal & the ccgtcc grin
That Is GREAT! Nice Work & Glad to hear it!
Re: grin Wonderful! Thank you to...
that is so cool Just in time!
grin Thanks, Dennis...please make sure that
$50 Paypal sent !
mad 10 yard penalty for "Piling On"!! rofl
Re: mad 10 yard penalty for "Piling On"!! rofl

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