Look what happened to my poor Red Foot tortoise Vic. I just got back from the veterinarian, $250 later. I let my dog out today and while he was outside, he chewed trough the wood fenced in area where my tortoises live and was chewing on him like he was a bone. I must of caught it just in time cus i think if i waited a minute longer to check on the dog my tortoise would be dead. Hes going to be fine but i have to give the tortoise antibiotics shots and spray him for three weeks with betedine spray. He should heal up fine. Im going to buy a metal fence so this can never happen again.
Anyway, here the damage to Vic the tortoise
Vic i have had him for about 10 years. I have another that is about 9 years. They came from parents of tortoises at The Alligator Farm here in St Augustine.