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The Chip Board Archive 19

California Collectors 0nly

Both the California Card Room and the Native American sections of my Sons Memorial project have been updated to Editon 5.

The Fraternal section will be some time in the works as several hundred additons need to be entered.

Remember this reference work is only being hosted by John Kallman and any and all additions/delection/correction/comments should be directed to

It is my current intention to make a posting every month or two to indicate changes made. I plan to remove all non gaming items with the exception of those directly related with a known card room or casino. That would be in keeping with the original intent and its title. Hopefully a section will be added for know Chinese chips but I have very little information concerning them.

Remember this reference work is only being hosted by John Kallman and any and all additions/delection/correction/comments should be directed to

It is hoped that this will be of some assistance to the hobby.

Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828

Copyright 2022 David Spragg