Spencer voted out, right choice, he was just so weak in the challenges. Good thing for Taj, otherwise she would have been the one to go. Makes you wonder if Taj or Coach has ever watched a season of Survivor. I mean come on, Survivor 101, you bite your tongue if you have a problem, you dont tell your tribe members you can all kiss your a**, that for sure will give you a ticket home. In RL Taj is a nice person, she was abused as a child and has a foundation, helping other abused children, but as a player in the game she is the dumbest since Colby from Outback. She had the game in hand, I dont think she would have won since she told everyone who her husband is and the jury members wouldnt have gave her the bucks anyway, figuring she didnt need the money. She gave the hidden immunity idol to Stephen, great move, I'm sure he will give it back to you when you ask for it...yeah, right. Tyson and Stephen are playing the best game right now. Great challenges in this episode too. Quote of the season comes from Taj also...."Is it gift certificates?" when JT finds the letters from home and wonders aloud what they are. Yeah Taj, gift certificates, good at the local Survivor store, good for anything your little heart desires, just goes to show you that Eddie must give her alot of gift certificates....no Survivor this week and its on next Wens. and back to Thur the following week. Doesnt look like the merge will take place until 8 left.....
1. Bill Purcell.............Taj
2. Bob Stoops...........Spencer....too weak in the challenges, goodbye #5
3. Tom Hitselberger....Erinn
4. Jerry Canzoneri......Jerry..too bad, getting sick or injured means you gone #3
5. Virgil Foss.............Benjamin
6. Jovito Ng...............Brendan
7. Rick Armstrong......Candace...another bigmouth and snob...goodbye no. 2
8. Ron Lammer..........Stephen
9. Ricky Pushkin.......Carolina....history...1st to go
10. Paul Briggs...........Tyson
11. Tom Hanson.........Sydney
12. Phyllis Spagnola...Sierra
13. Richard Jezeski....Joe
14. Ellen Springer.......J.T.
15. Michael Levesque..Sandy....she tried her best, had to happen sooner or later, #4 gone
16. Rodney Anderson..Debra