...so I was supposed to be in Greensboro NC this weekend for a drag race. Rain and cold weather resulted in the cancellation of the event; got the call yesterday in time to cancel my flight, hotel and car reservations. The event shouldn't have been on the schedule this early in the year because it's almost always going to be cold and wet in northern NC, but nobody asks me about these things. Rescheduled to
next week! They could have picked another date a month or three down the road, but noooooo...they had to do it next week. Changing my flights this week to identical flights next week would
only cost $830! Same dates but different city (Raleigh-Durham {RDU} instead of Greensboro {GSO}) would
only cost $600! Flying out a day earlier to GSO would bring the change cost down to the $360-$500 range. We're getting closer to reasonable, but will add an extra day to hotel, rental car and food costs. Flying into RDU a day early brought the cost of the flight change down to $247 (this all is after getting hit with a $150 change fee on a restricted ticket purchase). Had to book it. I will be reimbursed for the flight change, but not for the extra day costs, so I must sell some more of my collection given my current financial situation.
First offering:
The Prospector, Black Hawk Colorado, $1, $5 and $25 set. The Prospector was one of the more unusual casinos in Colorado. It was basically two small homes connected by an enclosed sidewalk. It was a poker room (no known tokens so I don't think they ever had slots), and it wasn't open for very long (12/31/91-12/20/92). $45 shipped and insured.