Although this chip has been out for several years, it didn't make it into the latest addition of "The Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide". I have heard rumours on eBay auctions that it is now obsolete; however if this is true it is probably obsolete like the Golden Nugget Poker $20-- locked in the safe until volume in the poker room is sufficient to warrant reintroducing them. Personally I would think the MGM would get enough traffic to justify its continued use, but not knowing where it is hip to play higher-stakes poker, that is merely conjecture on my part.
My 2 year-old daughter likes this chip better than yesterday's $20 Baccarat chip: the picture of the lion is bigger on this one.
Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit
P.S. If anyone has a picture of the $20 MGM Roulette Jeton, feel free to post a picture to make us all jealous