THAT was my whole point.... I (as part of the 'membership') do know where to find all the chips, etc. that COULD be nominated. So, as you say, I (as part of the membership) AM AT FAULT, for not being informed. How do I GET informed? I don't know, so I asked... I do not know ALL new issues for 2008. I know SOME, but not all. If I knew more maybe I could nominate one that might have been missed as a good candidate.
Like Michael Siskin said, he didn't take it so seriously. Believe me, I am not stressed out about it, I just wanted to contribute. So, I guess I won't worry about it, but it was not for lack of interest.
Not worth making a big deal over, as Bob Touts pointed out in another thread there may be a lack of interest anyway.
Sorry, I will sit daown and shut up now....