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The Chip Board Archive 19

Hey Pam G., what did I miss?

when I got up this morning I realize I have no coffee in the house, so I decide to run down to 7-11. as I'm leaving my house I see a neighbor six houses down having a garage sale...but I need my coffee first. As I'm leaving 7-11 I decide to cruise the area looking for garage sales. An hour later as I return to my house, I stop at the neighbors garage sale. I see a old showboat book and a couple IP picture frams. I ask about any other casino items and she says ""well five minutes ago I sold my 6 IP trucks and cars" and she makes a gesture about 12-14 inches what did I miss, I figure you must have these

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Hey Pam G., what did I miss?
Re: ummmm...I think we need Jerry O....

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