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The Chip Board Archive 19

NCR - FLorida Trip

Von, I don't have your cell number because of the computer crash at home. Drop me an email with it an I will give you a call!

Also, we had tickets to the Shuttle Launch that was supposed to happen today, but they have dealyed it until the 22nd. If there is anyone in the area or that can make the lauch, I have three passes to the launch date, when ever it occurs. If you let me know right away, I can get it in the mail tomorrow. Drop me an email or post a response! We're going to have to buy passes to Kennedy to go now. We'll work something out.

Having fun in the (partial) sun, and it's definately not snowing here!


Messages In This Thread

NCR - FLorida Trip
Welcome to Florida... Enjoy.
Bienvenidos de Florida.... Dining tips....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg