Please take this for what it's worth? We were "flea-market, antique-store" hoppin the other day. Ran into a really nice couple from up North, "snowbirds." He heard me ask about "you have any kind of chips, dice, etc" to the lady behind the counter at one place, and said, "I have some." We chatted abit, I had a few "chips" with me that we had bought at one place. He kind of laughed, and said, well, we have quite abit more than that we would like to sell. Long story, real long........he had a couple of "pics" with him in his SUV. My son bought a collection a couple of years back, rather large, SO I THOUGHT, LOL! Well, this guy, now, he has chips, chips, and more chips! His wife "inherited" this from her side of the family, and they have no interest in them. I gave him my email addy, he gave me his phone number, and asked that I wait until I hear from him. They are on "vacation" until "Spring Break" hits here, and then back home they go. This "collection" would be for you "PROS", and he said they figured there were about 12,000 chips, give, or, take. There's some other "stuff" too he said, but, did not elaborate. A couple of the pics I saw showed chips from "Las Vegas", some of the "old, gone casinos", and these chips looked in fairly nice condition. I told him about the "board" here, and suggested he join up, and just deal with "those who know" here. He wrote the info down, so, if he shows up here, he just may have what he says he does, I really don't know? They seemed to be really nice, sincere folks, and Debbie had spent some time with his wife inside shopping. She thinks this is the "real deal", as the lady's family is from the "Midwest", and most of what she said, "fit" regarding all of this, ie to Debbie. So, "heads up", if he shows up here! Just FYI! Please do not "blame this messenger", just seems to be worth looking into for some here!