The variations in poker chips can be found in the slightest of details that raise many questions. Is it sun faded, smoke covered, new issue? The Antique chips are no exception with many variations of the same design. With this mornings cup o' joe I would like to show you the variation of the inlaid litho Crest & Seal chips Seymour coded PC-HX "CARD SUITS" page 249 and the PW-JK "TRIUMPH" page 318 of Dale Seymour's book Antique Gambling Chips 1998 edition. At first look you might think this is a mistake but it is not. I will show the PC-HX CARD SUITS first and then further down the thread, the PW-JK TRUIMPH with several simular but unrelated chips in between to distract your eye. Can you find the variation?
PC-HX CARD SUITS page 249:
PW-JK TRUIMPH page 318:
To see both chips side by side just open another window to TCB and minimize. Can you see it?