NCR: A Moment of Silence for the Splashbar Please

Darrell and I just got back from Christmas in Vegas. Since the Riviera has been bending over backwards to get us to return ($50 free play and offers of the newly renovated rooms), we decided to pay our respects to the Splashbar.
If you had not known where the Splashbar was, you'd never know it was ever there...nothing remains!
Darrell is standing in the "middle of the Splashbar", notice the restrooms and now-empty coffee bar station behind him. Even the carpet has been replaced and a measly handful of slot machines now reside in the place of our beloved Splashbar. Actually quite depressing and dark in that area now....
So raise your glass in memory of all the good times and good friends we made at the Splashbar. I'm personally glad that we will be somewhere new this coming convention. With the Splashbar gone...the Riviera just isn't the same.
The BOD made a wise choice moving the convention to a new hotel/casino. Darrell & I look forward (alot) to it!
Happy New Year!