A survey published in December found that 44% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombing attacks are "often" or "sometimes" acceptable. Only 28% said they were never justified.
In a poll conducted five months ago, and broadcast on Britain's Channel 4 TV, nearly 25% of British Muslims said the July 7, 2005, terror bombings in London, which killed 52 innocent commuters, were justified. Another 30% said they would prefer to live under strict Islamic Sharia law rather than England's democratic system.
From FoxNews.com, reporting on a Pew (not a Fox) Poll, concerning our own young AMERICA muslims:
One in four younger American Muslims find suicide bombings in defense of Islam "acceptable at least in some circumstances."
I spent two minutes Googling, there is a lot out there that tends to support Richards comment, even if it was meant to be off-handed.
My point:
1. Kids say some dumb things
2. An alarming percentage of Muslims, young and old, think violence is not only acceptable, but justified.
Want to really get scared? Look into the numbers regarding so called "honor killings" in Islamic society. These are basically Muslim man on Muslim woman. The percentage of Moslems, men and women, who think this violence is "justifiable"....more than 4 out of 5 in some reports I have seen. In some countries, it is close to 100%.
I would like/wish/pray for us all to get along, but I am pragmatic, and believe that we need to live in the real world.