I am all caught up. Sold 288 books! Have 12 bad ones to mail back or might pawn off a few as gifts to friends that might not care about little scratches or some scuffs on the cover.
I ordered more but the lady rudely told me I was over my limit! And I need to pay my bill at once. Finally she said she would send out 48 more if I send a check right away. I explained I just got the books Monday and it was Friday! The invoice is net 60 days. Geez!
Charlie if you had any issues with this company please email me. I want to take up a few more things with the owner again next week. I already am aware that on some of the back pages they only put in 5 instead of 6 chip images. And the club membership is the old one yet they had the new one I took off of the website.
Charlie I bet on top of all of this book work you had Christmas presents to mail too?
Thanks for making a lot of sales happen with your marketing. The hobby needs books to keep going and keep collectors excited. Im happy the book came out as well as it did. Nothing is perfect- unless you are a postal employee.