one night many years ago, right before heading off to slumberland, I checked

as was my usual habit. I came upon a Ceasar's Palace 50 cent HCE chip that had just been listed & had a "Buy-it-Now" price of $3 or so. Looking at the picture, it looked like it had a hairline crack, but for $3, I didn't care & I bought it. Then I looked at the seller's other auctions and bought EVERYTHING that he had for sale (about six or seven chips) -- $25 or so total with shipping. The seller sent me an invoice & also asked if I would be interested in buying six or seven more Las Vegas chips...Sands & Golden Nugget & a few others. I said sure, sent him payment ($45 + -) including Fed-Ex shipping costs.
Well, in that shipment were some nice chips, but the real prize was a $1 chip from "The Casino". Now at that time, that one chip was worth more than my entire collection
so I sold it to a collector friend. I still have a few of those chips in my collection...the one that I wish that I would have kept was a lime green $1 NCV Dealer Toke chip from the Sands
. I sent the
seller a nice portion of the profit that I made off of those chips and he was very thankful.
Steve B