Re: Your Opinion on a table 2009 convention

Not if you price your items properly.
I think that reasonably priced items will always sell.
I have been doing shows(antiques and collectibles)for over 25 years and honestly,I always do well simply because I know what I paid when I originally bought the items, and know what it/they are worth now, and sell for what I think is a fair price both to me and my buyers. Mind my business,I might get my original investment back on just a couple of items out of a whole household or auction lot,so that I can then afford to sell everything else at a good price. I still come out ahead. Some other dealers in town have criticized me for selling the same or similar items which they might have(but who are asking sometimes as much as two or three times of what I am selling it for on their table).......but those are the same dealers, who bring their items back show after show and complain about how bad sales are.They never change or adapt with the times or the demand.
Supply and demand along with customer satisfaction will take you a long way. If you can afford to do it that way and still make money,it will not matter how bad the economy is because no matter what......there are many people out there who will still have money to spend on their hobbies.
I would do it if I were you John.
In this day and age,money is nice to have...stock(chips/collectibles/tea cups...whatever)just sits around and sometimes(frequently) devalues,and that really does not do you, as a seller, much good now does it?