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The Chip Board Archive 18
Your Aunt will for sure be in our prayers
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Please put my Aunt in your prayers
My wife found out last year she had breast cancer. She had surgary, chemo, radiation and
back to some kind of chemo. It's been HELL!!! It will take 5 years before they know it she's clear!
You have our prayers
Messages In This Thread
Please put my Aunt in your prayers
Consider It Done!!!
She is in my prayers Bill.
Will do Bill...
I'm very sorry to hear that, Bill
Re: Will do Bill... Prayers Help!
Will keep her in my prayers.
our prayers our with the Family Bill
our prayers our with the Family Bill
Done deal for sure.
Re: Please put my Aunt in your prayers
She is in our Prayers & Thoughts,,,,
Bless you and your family ....
Your Aunt will for sure be in our prayers
My Prayers are With You
Will be Nancy and my prayers
Will do Bill; with prayer all is possible!
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