Re: NCR...For the Train Guys...

I used to work in the Mechanical Department that had all of the original of the Milwaukee Road photos and negatives. They were all in books on a wall 20 Ft long X 10 Ft high. The negatives were almost all 8" X 10" and included pictures of all cars and engines made, purchased and remodeled by the railroad. I used to be responsible for maintaining the Locomotive Diagram book which had the details of every active engine we owned. I even had a copy of the old steam locomotive diagram book and the original vellums. They never threw anything out. We had correspondance letters from the mid 1800's in our file cabinets. I was laid off about 6 months before they closed the Milwaukee shops and threw almost everything into the dumpsters. There is now a casino and the Brewers new stadium where I used to work. I designed the color scheme for this bicentennial engine.