The rules of this contest.
On Thanksgiving day there are 3 NFL football games. They are as follows:
Tenn vs Det (National)
Sea vs Dal (National)
Ari vs Phil (NFL Network)
Pick the winner of each game, then followed by the total score of the 3 winning teams. This is not the combined total, but the total of only the winning teams.
Please reply to this post only and list it this way in the subject line.
Ex: Tenn/Dal/Phil/45 (PLease note again the total points of the 3 winning teams)
If no one gets the exact points then it will be the one closest to the points without going over.
Here is the chip the winner will get from my collection. The contest is closed on Thursday morning at 9:00am CST and this is for club members only.
Have a great week and holiday. Dont eat to much....Pam