Re: NCR - Racism in America

I went into 3 black bars before the election...2 here in town and one near Orlando and in all 3 I noticed a large poster of Obama. The poster was urging everyone...(no color was mentioned) to vote early and about the whole change thing. I went into at least 50-60 white and or mixed bars and none of them had these posters. I wouldn't call it me it was more like a very organized get out the black vote thing. And it worked and it was a long time over due. Sure more voted cuz he is black...why not...? A new hope, a new Kennedy, a new Lincoln, a new Johnson!! Nothing wrong with the blacks voting in mass for a man of the same color as themselves. I'm sure most are hoping for the big "change" he suckered everyone into believing...! I remember when I was young and thinking that I can't wait for the day our generation runs this country and all the Old Guard farts are gone. But damned if I'm not 55 years old and there are still plenty of the Old Guard still around and running the country. And now the young can't wait for their generation to run this country....and I think they are a lot closer to that happening than when I was young! We shall see what happens down the road.