Heck Pam if I had known you were going to do the exact things I did I would have saved myself the trouble.

I just got back an hour ago and on the way there visited the new Lady Luck in Carruthersville. Place is undergoing renovations but is still a hole in the wall. I do have chips and dice from there and will post something about them later. As far as Tunica itself, the only new things are some promotional chips from Sheraton and new roulettes (FINALLY!!) at Sams Town. I do have some of the promotional chips but it was hard to get roulettes at 9 AM on a Monday. Basically the whole town is dead due to the economy. I heard a rumor that Fitzgeralds did a bankruptcy but got no confirmation of that. I also stay a the Fitz and the new rooms are decent but I didn't care for the food in the Cafe. They had a good selection of appetizers and sandwiches but the only entrees were the 2 specials and the prime rib wasn't very good. Since I am less than thrilled with the Fitz I am looking for a new "home" in Tunica and with the bad economy I have been getting lots of offers. The first nite I stayed at Gold Strike and the room was comparable to the Fitz. Sure wish I would get offers from Horseshoe or Harrahs but they just don't seem to want my business.