Re: "...the troops will be coming home. "
Archie, I hope that will be very soon because the 10 million a day that we are spending in Iraq we need desparately right here in the U.S. as I am sure that you are aware of in these difficult times in this economy. Also I hope that we can reduce our military prescence in some of the 50 or so countries around the world that we currently have deployed, it is time that we concentrate on our needs here, we really do need to spend that money right here in our country. As to Iran I do not see troops there for a long time if ever. I hope that you received my 11 room key cards that I sent you from the last round robin. I know that it was supposed to be 5 but because of the dela due to my untimely illness I send you some extras, hope that you could use some of them. I still have not received any from you or Jim Munding but that is okay because like I said previously my address was incorrectly stated on the chipboard and that could have resulted in me not receiving them. Please do not send me any more, it really is not necessary, I already have about 500 different and really have no more room to store others. I know that I tend to go on and on sometimes, that is the writer in me, you see I authored some books in my younger years, writing has always been my forte and a passion with me throughout my life. That is probably the reason for my lengthy writings. I also lawyered for awhile and am using to arguing cases in courts and my briefs were usually very lenthy I have been told. That is all in the past but my passion for stating my befiefs shows in my writings I am sure that you can see, thanks for your toleration.