Amen Mike

Messages In This Thread
- ...and who exactly "is going to destroy us within"
- Blah blah blah
- Re: Blah blah blah
- More Blah blah blah
- NCR: Hey John ... the election is over ...
- Archie; "the election is over" has nothng to do ..
- Re: Archie; "the election is over" has nothng to d
- Amen Mike
- NCR: John; Who are these "some people" ...?
- Not "Who" Archie, but rather WHY ?
- No, I guess I don't get it John. NCR
- It's qute obvious you don't get it.You contributed
- It's qute obvious YOU don't get it.You contributed
- I'm telling you to
- Are you pushing for sa position ..
- I know the answer to that question ...
- Re: Are you pushing for sa position ..
- Take a breath, John.
- wow
- Re: wow
- Bob, what the heck does that have to do with ...
- John.
- Re: John.
- Bob may have remembered some of my Carter posts
- Re: John.
- MoveOn.John
- Yes, of course.
- Re: MoveOn.John ... it's over!
- And our chips are still what they were worth, rite
- Chips ...? You think this is about chips???
- This is what I meant, Duh.
- Why didn't you say that in the first place...?
- Its all good
- Re: Its all good
- Yes, I said it
- Robert, the only problem I have with your post...
- Re: Robert, the only problem I have with your post
- give it a break Benedict...
- Its over. See you in 2012
- Keep talking John
- Do you also buy/sell/trade
Copyright 2022 David Spragg