I find is strange & bemusing to read all the ..."I hope we don't regret it" & "god help us" and the like. One thing that seems to have been constant amongst the endless political posts, rants & tirades that have completely distrupted my chip board experience over the last few months is that you all seem to think GWB is (or was) the worst President in history & that he has ruined the country. Surely....the new President, regardless of which one it was going to be is an improvement on the one you've had for the last 8 years?
Isn't it time now to shake the oppositions hand, congratulate them on a game well played & wish them well? If you gave it your best then there's no shame in being beaten by the better team on the day. Dignity after defeat will earn far more respect than taking your bat & ball & going home....Didn't McCain just prove that?
Now if only someone in power would amend your constitution to get rid of the insane line about a "right to bear arms"......You don't see Australians roaming the streets killing each other in their thousands.....but that's another topic entirely!