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The Chip Board Archive 18
Doug don't you get tired of the same old flaming
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Who is paying $4.00 a gallon? I filled up for
liberal **** ****?
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A Lesson in Trickle Down Economics
Thank you, Doug.
Thank you, Doug...
Trickle Down Economics is why we are in this mess.
I was just giving an example Ken.
Doug, Don't worry about losing jobs...
Hey, Glenn, Screw the $500.00...
Excellent Doug!
Re: A Lesson in Trickle Down Economics
Yes, when times are good the Oil companies make
Re: Yes, when times are good the Oil companies mak
Oh, but times were good, Our industry has
Ya got me Norm, its Exxon Mobil's fault that the
I think this might better be "Trickle Up"
Who is paying $4.00 a gallon? I filled up for
I don't want to attack the Evil Oil Co
Yes, today they are, but tomorrow under an Obama
An old mans view...
Doug don't you get tired of the same old flaming
Fred, I actually do. I started out saying that
Re: Fred, I actually do. I started out saying that
Re: Fred, I actually do. I started out saying that
Re: Fred, I actually do. I started out saying that
Norm, My post was not really directed at you, but
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