Messages In This Thread
- Here's the problem with the election (NCR)
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re: Works both ways.
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- The first time I could vote ....
- Re: The first time I could vote ....
- Jim
- One could deduct that you are
- However Don,
- You may think from my post that
- God Bless Ya! Buddy!!
- Re: Here's the problem with the election (NCR)
- Here's the R E A L problem with the election
- My 2 Cents
- Re: Ester I think it is at least 3 Cents
- Re: My 2 Cents
- Esther wat a great post agree 100%
- Kind of like McCain's (medical) Chart
- John, You seem fixated on pointing out that other
- Here's my point, Doug:
- And here is my point John........
- No, no, no, no... Doug, You missed the point.
- Here's one thing I will say, Doug, and I think I'm
- On TV, Michael Jackson said he was voting for
- You guys have Michael Jackson shows on your TV
- Only on children's hour
- Even more amazing is that the mainstream media
Copyright 2022 David Spragg