There are but two candidates running for the office of President, Barrack Obama and John McCain
The Republicans alone are not running, George Bush is not Running.
It shouldn't be a race issue, but for many it is and it's obvious.
If I'm not politically correct in saying so, I'm sorry but we all know that it's true
We also know that many of the votes for Obama aren't as much votes for Obama as they are backlash against Bush
or the Republican party
Now examine the candidates for themselves, leave race and party out of it, tell me what aside from campaign promises what does either candidate have to offer.
I doubt that either candidate can do anything to change the face of the economy in short order
The troops will not come home the day after either is sworn in as President
We still have both the war in Iraq, Al Quaeda, and the Taliban to deal with.
I personally would feel a lot more comfortable having John McCain sitting in the White House when I go to bed at night. Maybe you don't