You're welcome. That was exactly my problem that got me going on this subject. I had a lot of excluded words (like these: -series -cd -slot -rock -cover -hooters -14g -dvd -spy -mirage -shirt -jacket -hat -bellagio -11.5g* -11.5 -PRO -suited -table -strike -alum* -palms -diamond -NEW -texas -gr -gram -8.5g* -8.5 -13.5g* -13.5 -kem -guard -button -royale), but no "included" words for this category of search: casino > chips. When I tried to do my search, I got no results and this warning: "Please enter a keyword you would like to search for followed by the terms you'd like to remove. Example: shoes -nike." .. .... ....... They will probably fix it eventually.
I live near that place in the picture in your post -- Sands Street near the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.