Thanks for bringing the club magazine into your "Question of the Day"! I do appreciate any input from the club members!
I hope that more members will step up and contribute info to the magazine. Maybe you have a special part of your collection your would like to share. Maybe it's even a question as to where a certain item came from. I had an idea of maybe starting a "What is it?" column. Members can send it any gaming related item and we could ask for help from other members to solve the mystery. Doug Saito has this very cool Sahara item that we can't seem to figure what it is. It is a charm on a necklace, with a secret compartment. It is very small but deep, not like a photo holder, it looks more like a pill holder of some sort.
But it all starts with the members suppling the info. Our magazine volunteers can help with the writing or finishing of the article for you.
Any input would be appreciated!
Thanks again!
Todd Barrett
San Diego, CA