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The Chip Board Archive 18

Hurricane Nearly KILLED me.... NO INTERNET

... That's right! 17 Days with NO Cable TV or Internet. Food and water ar luxuries, INTERNET is the staple of LIFE!

Friday night (actually Saturday Morning Sept 12th) at 2 AM a tree fell across the power lines and took out the power, one minute later I heard the generator firing up and the air conditioner come back on. The winds picked up and continued to get stronger through the night. My wife was staying at the nursing home where she works. Ryanne, Coco and me were snug in bed, as the wind howled louder the bodies got closer! vbg We slept through most of the initial storm but the main eye wall came through about 7 AM. I have a covered patio and the way the house is situated we were blocked from the 75~100 mph winds and actually had breakfast on the patio as we watched 14 of our trees blow down (Coco excluded, she never left the bedroom for the entire storm!).

We lost 14 trees but not a single one hit a structure other than fences. My lot has lost a total of 48 trees from Rita and Ike and I still have a few left (not many mind you). Because we had power, Air Conditioning, Hot Showers, I had many friends come to visit! One advantage in living in a somewhat rural area is that most all of your neighbors own chain saws, tractors, and big trucks so before the storm was finished neighbors had already cut fallen trees from the roads and my driveway (I think they heard my AC running and cleared a path to my house first vbg) By the end of the day it was Bar-B-Que and beer for all the 'Victoms' who rode it out.

The real killer was that large pine trees broke the cable lines everywhere... after a few days of no internet or cable TV reality begain to set in, we were doomed.

ALL in ALL me and my neighbors were very lucky. Riding out a hurricane is no play time as John Benedict pointed out befor the storm. I have riden out several and do not recommend it. My wife had to stay because of the special needs people at the nursing home so I stayed as well.

UNFORTUNATELY.. Galveston, the Bolivar Beach, Bridge City, Port Arthur, High Island, Winne & Fannett, and Orange did not fare so well with a 12 foot storm surge coupled with 20 foot waves VERY MUCH of what once was is no more. The beach looks like a giant wiped the land with his hand and left baren wasteland. News has been sparse here because roads closed, and communications that were wiped out. The news that has been getting out is breathtaking devistation. My son is due home in a week or so and I plan to have him fly me down the beach and to Galveston so I can see and take pictures.

The Balinese Room (Galveston TX) that operated since 1920 (illegal gaming) is no more. Washed out to sea.

Anyway... I need to go SHOVEL out my EMAIL box! vbg Sorry I couldn't respond at the time.....

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Hurricane Nearly KILLED me.... NO INTERNET
Re: Hurricane Nearly KILLED me.... NO INTERNET
Re: Hurricane Nearly KILLED me.... NO INTERNET
Glad to hear all is getting back to normal! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg