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The Chip Board Archive 18
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
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Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
when the real odds are 170 to 200 in favor of the Democrats--(check why would someone bet you even money thats the reason no one has taken you up on the bet---Larry
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I don't think McCain can win the election and I...
100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
I hate to take your chips but....
Re: 100 lookers & no takers on de bet, huuuuun
OK, Andy... (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)...
OK, Andy. Make it... (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
Re: I don't think McCain can win the election and
I'll take that bet Andy for 5 chips
I'll take that bet Andy for 5 chips
I'll bite.
Re: I'll bite.
I'll come back & check this thread at...
Re: I'll come back & check this thread at...
I am game for 5 chips!
I'm in for 5 chips!
I'll take that bet Andy for 5 chips
I'll Take McCain for 5 Chips
I'm betting 5 chips Andy
Here is the FINAL list of who is betting! Along...
WOW....Look at all those WINNERS!!!
Re: WOW....Look at all those WINNERS!!!
Re: Here is the FINAL list of who is betting! Alon
The betting window is CLOSED, Skip! You...
Re: Here is the FINAL list of who is betting! Alon
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