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The Chip Board Archive 18

Bob honestly...
In Response To: Re: That is ironic since ()

I'm not here to fight with you, or anyone. I believe neither of us are wrong for who we choose to vote for because there are simply different reasons we are making our vote. Different perspectives on different issues. Its not about right and wrong. People feel strongly about abortion, or religion, economy, education, etc...and they vote for the candidate that represents their most important values. It is clear that you want the best for this country, and I appreciate that. I respect your opinions, and above all the differences I am just proud and thankful that we all have the right to vote. People will pick sides, and fight each other, and maybe the economy is in a real bad place right now, but overall this is still a great country to call home. There are much worse places we could be right now, with much worse problems to worry about. If I ever go to one of the conventions, and we meet up, let me buy you a beer.

Take it easy,

Messages In This Thread

McCain vs Obama (You Decide)...
vote for curious george for prez
or him
I support McCain, however in all fairness...
mark,thats a great the color,great mold
NCR ....The Only CHANGE You Will Get From Obama
Re: NCR ....The Only CHANGE You Will Get From Obam
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Very Nicely Spoken Dave, VOTE FOR OBAMA
Well said, Dave...
Do not think for one moment that the majority of
Look for Sarah...
...and I'm still scratching my head trying to ...
Obama speeches - if you haven't decided
Re: McCain vs Obama (You Decide)...
Geez, Thomas, you ARE coming from a
Re: Geez, Thomas, you ARE coming from a
What a bunch of CRAP, Thomas!!!!
What Obama has really been saying Frank
Now you're speaking in platitudes!
I am still waiting for
Re: What a bunch of CRAP, Thomas!!!!
Re: McCain vs Obama (You Decide)...
That is ironic since
Re: That is ironic since
Re: That is ironic since
WOW - Bob, you said it all
Re: That is ironic since
WOW... Not bad. You sure sailed thru that one. grin
Re: That is ironic since
Bob, I can read your comments all day..thank you
Re: Bob, I can read your comments all day..thank y
Bob honestly...
I agree Dave
One more thing - Don't forget
I disagree Dave
You know, Bob,....
Good catch...! grin
Re: Good catch...! grin
Well put
Re: McCain vs Obama (You Decide)...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg