Well, as we all know, one of the "greatest" Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan, had none of that experience either, now did he?? Just because you've been in the military does NOT "qualify" you to lead a country. All it "qualifies" you for is to fire a rifle, fly a plane, or maybe go into hand-to-hand combat. (Hmm...maybe that's how we should settle our international problems...)
Ronald Reagan joined the Army and was deferred from combat because of his eyesight. So they put him in the unit that filmed Army instructional videos instead. And what is it with Republicans electing actors, anyway?? Reagan, Schwarzenegger...??
This is the only thing I'm contributing to these ridiculous political rantings on this board. Call me a liberal Democrat tree-hugger...PLEASE. Believe me, I've been called worse...
Everybody just get out there and VOTE for the guy you think is the best. And everybody on *BOTH* sides of the aisle needs to DO THEIR HOMEWORK--don't be led around like a bunch of sheep!!! Here's a good, un-biased site, by the way: http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/