... who they now support (your fact 1 and 2), but the millions of dollars being spent by te candidates in these last few weeks is to gain the support of those "who have not yet decided who to support." It's been like this from the first election we've ever had. The candidates know who they got bagged, it's who they do not have bagged (the 10% to 15% undecided) who can carry either over the total needed.
That's where the battle is right now and the 49% Obama / 43% McCain means nothing at this point since it'll shift in either direction in the next several weeks back to being close to even... but it's the last several minutes that we're all concerned about (casting that ballot)... and being well-informed is the most important part of this whole exercise and not simply by listening to opinions on TV; but rather reading the newspapers... At least that's what I think.