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The Chip Board Archive 18

Wow! You Are The Man!
In Response To: Stu, OK, here's my foot.... ()

I don't know you. So why are you acting as the BB chief protector of ebay listings. If you have nothing good to say about something, shut up! I am just trying to sell a few chips on ebay. Are you such a small man that you need to criticize one person's listings without even knowing the person? Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Messages In This Thread

eBay Some Rare NCVs, Tournament And Win Card Chips
I'm telling Mom, Stu used the "R" word
Before You Put Your Foot Deeper in Your Mouth...
Stu, OK, here's my foot....
Wow! You Are The Man!
One of the great things about this board...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg