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The Chip Board Archive 18

for trade New personal chips for trade

Hi Fellow Chippers

My good friend Ernie Norgard has two different personal chips he is willing to trade for your personal chips. If interested, let me know if you want Poker Dogs or Roulette Chip or one of each.
I have ten of each, so let me know soon. I will ship at once and you ship yours in return to me.

Ernie has asked me to post this for him as he is having a problem posting to the Chip Board.

Thanks and I hope we have a trade.


Messages In This Thread

for trade New personal chips for trade
jim i will take 1 of each and...
Jim I just sent an email...
I thought that looked familiar, nice chip Ernie!
Re: for trade New personal chips for trade
I'll take 1 of each-Thanks vbg
email sent*
Jim, if still available,
I'd like one of the of the dogs

Copyright 2022 David Spragg