I have a newspaper ad somewhere for The El Rancho Dio, says Tommy Haines was a host.
From my research for my Arrowdie article, I looked into this.
There was two Tom Haines in the phone book at that time. The El Rancho Dio Haines was NOT the Arodie Tommy Haines.
I found Tommy's family including a living sister. Nice people.
Tommy was a real rascal!!
Walked out on his wife & kids in Texas, they never heard about him again until after he died. He came to LV, got married again the next year and started a 2nd family.
I still get emails from his aunt once in awhile.
I left most of this info out of the article.
If I remember right the El Rancho Dio Hains disappeared from the LV phone book, soon after it closed. I have all be these notes somewhere.
IMO the chip is a UFC.
Per Fuller ERD closed in 1947. First arrowdie was made in 1953.