1. Those that have had the same prices on their chips for the last 3 years.....they
didn't reflect current market values....in talking to these dealers...most
said....not surprisingly that their show was disappointing....
2. Those that were selling limited editions and house chips for face value...
They pretty much all said that they were clearing inventory...but
not making any money..............
3. Those that had a pretty good inventory mix and were priced fairly or even
aggessively.....most of these dealers that I talked to said they were
doing okay......
I had one experience this year of the type that makes you go...UUUMMMMMM.....i looked at a chip and asked
how much it was.....i was told $40....i was willing to go $30 and offered that... was told no....i said thanks and
went to the next table....while at the next table....someone walked up to where i had just been and looked
at this same chip that i had passed on......i heard him ask how much and was surprised to hear the dealer
say.......I'll give you a good price....how about $25......he bought it.....UUMMMMMM......