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The Chip Board Archive 18

I love and hate....

Horseshoe $1 chips! sad

Since we have the new scanner, I decided to scan all of our chips for the Collector's Assistant program. (For anyone who doesn't have their chips in a database, get ahold of Terry Shaffer and get this program! grin )

For the umpteenth time, I tried to figure out the TCR #'s on our $1 chips with Benny in the horseshoe...gray, beige, small horseshoe, large horseshoe, LCV, SCV...I started to get my usual horseshoe-headache sad . Then I remembered Greg's NV $1 site....hallelujah!!!! grin grin grin grin grin (Bless you, Greg! grin ) I think I got most of 'em figured out...

N1778...right? Beige, horseshoe mold, Binion in large horseshoe

N7152? Beige, horseshoe mold, Binion in small horseshoe

E1237? Gray, horseshoe mold, Binion in large horseshoe

N1236? Light gray, H&C (scv), picture Binion in horseshoe

But...what is this??? The portrait of Benny & Benny Binion's name look like N7152 (notice that the portrait and Benny's name on that inlay are totally different than the other chips). The chip color is different, but maybe because this one hasn't been cleaned?

And for those who say "clean the chip!" This is the other side of N7152...the inserts faded, like they're painted on!!?! That was the end of me cleaning 'shoe $1 chips.

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I love and hate....
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg