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The Chip Board Archive 18

You know Rick, a bit of advice!
In Response To: No more nonsense on this board ()

1. Have Patience.

2. Keep going the way you are and you'll get an attitude on here.

3. Start your own countdown, of course can we comment on how annoying it'll be for those who don't go.

4. Save now and save alot of loonenies and twonies for us who can't go. We'll be happy to go and spend that extra cash for you.

5. Have patience.

Dave R-6620
(I was once a nice guy until I came here and have gotten and attitude) grin

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Some "Opinions" For Rick Armstrong
Opinions are responded to....
Doug well said and needed to be said Thanks
No more nonsense on this board
You know Rick, a bit of advice!
Thanks Dave vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg