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The Chip Board Archive 18

Wild guess...

In Quick View, each is sorted by currency... and each currency is sorted by denomination.

Messages In This Thread

Caribbean ChipGuide Contest - 1st Clue
Is it the "Quick View"?
Nope, that has been around for a while.
Wild guess...
That's Not it Either, Try Again.
search by mold?
or rather a link for molds
That's Not it
denomination links
Not it, But Getting WARMER
The sort key by denomination
Sort key by denomination - Has Always Been There
Denomination links are done by currency?
Closest Guess So Far, But Not Exactly Right
Denomination links are done by currency and series
Click to show---- grin
That's Not It.
Catalog numbers include a code for denomination?
Nope, not it either
people can input value of chip?
also the pic of the chip looks bigger
Did Not Change Picture Size
last one for me.> You added a "series" function..
Thats Been Around For a Long Time
That's Been Around For About a Month Already
Currency conversion rates are available?
Nope, that's not it, but a good suggestion
Close, But No Cigar. It is SIMPLER Than You Think

Copyright 2022 David Spragg